11/7 - Special Dress Down: SLS Student Government has requested a special "Red, White
and Blue" Dress Down to support our Veterans' Breakfast on Friday,
Please see the Student Council section below for more information.
11/8 - Early Dismissal - Staff Professional Development (NO AFTERCARE)
6:30 to 7:30 PM SLS Family Event: NY Times Bestselling author, Jodee Blanco, Anti-Bullying Seminar for our Parents and their Children.
11/10 - Early Dismissal at 12:15 PM for Grades PK - 7
Staff Professional Development (NO AFTERCARE)
HSPT - Early Dismissal - 8th Grade Dismissal at 1:00 PM in Front of Building
Saint Leo’s School is proud to present their 2023/24 Student Government Members:
Gianna Evelina, Lolita Romhen, Kaeden Cannon, Historian- Sean McNally, Treasurer- Leo Saintonge, Secretary- Aadhitya Vijayanandh, Vice President- Alexa Kelly, President- Nisha Evangelista
Our SLS Student Government will be hosting fundraisers throughout the school year to support the community. Please note, that Student Government Dress Down Days are separate from the SLS School Office-driven fundraisers, where the prepaid $20 covers the year.
Student Government's first initiative is to provide a breakfast and warm, inviting gathering space for local veterans being honored Friday, November 10, at Elmwood Park’s annual Veteran’s Day Ceremony across the street. If our SLS families have a veteran who will be in attendance, we ask you to please RSVP Click here to RSVP
Our Veteran’s Day Breakfast will be held from 9:30-10:35 in the gym, with the town’s ceremony following at 11 a.m. SLS Student Government is hosting a Red, White, and Blue-themed dress-down day on Tuesday, November 7 (Election Day). Students may dress down with either the donation of a prepackaged breakfast item or a $2 contribution. Parents may start bringing in Breakfast Food Donations as early as Monday, November 6.
Middle States Survey (urgent) - As you may know St. Leo's School (SLS) is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA). This 12-18 month required certification process is renewed every seven years by completing a chosen self-study protocol, "Excellence By Design."
This Protocol measures St. Leo's School's essential standards and requires all stakeholders (students, parents, faculty and staff) to complete surveys in a timely fashion. I request that we have a 100% return no later than Monday, November 6, 2023.
Once completed, our planning team will examine the surveys:
1. To determine where SLS meets our standards
2. To identify areas for improvement
3. To create an action plan for continued growth
By completing the attached surveys before the deadline, your participation in this process is assured. Once our protocol is completed, we will share our results and action plan with you.
CLICK HERE - Parent/Faculty Survey![]()
Anti-Bullying Seminar - Wednesday, November 8, at 6:30 PM
We are thrilled to see so many parents signing up for this very important and informative seminar. Parents and students are encouraged to attend. Please make sure to RSVP to save your spot.
Parents who attend the workshop will earn a Free Dress Down Day for their children on Thursday, November 9.
Please click here to register RSVP Form
Cooler Weather Approaching - Please remember to send your students to school with seasonally appropriate clothing (layers are best). Students go out for recess and gym most days. Please be sure to send them with a jacket or coat (please label).
St. Leo's Church is looking for a Part Time Receptionist and Secretary. See Details in attached Flyer.
Lunch with Santa - December 16th - please see the attached flyer. Reserve your spot early. Tickets will sell out!
Chocolate Raffle SLS - Genevieve’s Chocolate has generously donated a chocolate basket to raffle off with all proceeds going towards the purchase of a new Gym Volleyball Net. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Thank you to Genevieves for your continued generosity.
Gym Volleyball Net Fundraiser - SLS currently does not have an indoor/outdoor volleyball net at our disposal. We currently borrow one from the Sports Group, but Mr. Luketich, our current gym teacher in lieu of an Amazon wish list, is asking for donations towards the purchase of a high-quality volleyball net that can be used indoors or outdoors for gym, enrichment, and events.
Mr. Luketich loves showing the students how to properly play several sports and would love to add volleyball to the repertoire.
Any donations can be sent either check, cash or venmo (@stleosschool) please be sure to indicate somewhere “Volleyball fundraiser.”![]()
Harvest Soup Sale - The Fall Harvest soups were a huge hit! If you missed out, you still have a chance to order now! There are limited number of Potato Leak Soups Only left that have been frozen to seal in their freshness! If you would like one, they are now available for only $4.00. See Mr. Shultz in the office.
brought to you by St. Leo's School and Ania Kelly & David Carlo Photography
$85 for 10 minutes sessions - includes: 5 digital images (edited) & Online Gallery available one week after the session & Choice of two beautiful backdrops
LOCATION: St. Leo’s School
DATES: Sunday 11/5/23 & Sunday 11/19/23 *Families of 6 & more must purchase two sessions
https://ania-kelly-photography.checkcherry.com/ mini_sessions
Booking can be made directly via link: Ania Kelly & David Carlo Photography Mini Sessions
Deposit ($45) is required to reserve your session.
Payment will be made directly to the photographer via credit card, Paypal or Venmo.
The balance must be paid the day of your session.
Contact Photographer directly if you should have any questions - Ania Kelly - Cell: 201-838-1043 or email: [email protected]
8th Grade Pie Sale - Back by Popular Demand! The annual Thanksgiving Pie Sale to benefit 8th grade is kicking off. Please see the attached order form.
Spirit Wear - Please see the new easier order form attached - https://forms.gle/BKEvZs7amDGuBmpk7
Important Updates
Lost and Found
We have several really nice items available in our lost and found box including, sweaters, jackets, pants, water bottles, lunch boxes, books, and pencil cases. Anything that was labeled was delivered directly to your student. If you believe your child is missing any of the above items please, have them come to the lobby to check the bin. Parents are welcome to check the bin after 2:30 p.m. Any items not claimed before Thanksgiving Break will be donated to Catholic Charities.
Volunteer Opportunities
Tricky Tray Committee
As noted last Spring, St. Leo's School Tricky Tray, organized and run by SLS parents, made a historic profit of $30,597. Thank you all for your generosity.
To achieve this level of success again this year, we ask all of our SLS parents to commit again to the planning and preparation for this pinnacle event. Currently, we are composing the various tasks with detailed descriptions required for this Spring event, scheduled for Friday, April 19. To make it as comprehensive as possible, we could use your help. If you are interested in serving as a Tricky Tray '24 Parent Team member, please email me ([email protected]) at your earliest convenience. We hope that even more people volunteer their time and creativity to make this event another inspiring success for SLS.
Santa’s Workshop - Santa is already looking for some elves to help coordinate one of the student’s favorite events! If you are interested in chairing this event, would like to donate items, or help the children shop, please sign up here.
SLS Lunch Program![]()
Pizza Fridays
The first come, first serve was stated for emergencies only. We do not have enough extra pizza to cover those who simply have pizza, although they missed the deadline. Moving forward, we ask all families who missed the deadline to please send your child to school with lunch and money to purchase pizza. If we have enough surplus on that day, we will sell the extra slices available.
Francesca's Lunch Program: https://elmwoodparkpizza.com/st-leos-lunch-program
Please remember, SLS does not allow FAST FOOD, GrubHub, Uber Eats, or ANY FOOD DELIVERY service to students. If you are in a situation where you forgot lunch, students will be provided with a muffin and juice. If you need to drop something off, sandwiches, bagels, and salads are acceptable. Thank you for understanding.
Francesca's has offered a one-time coupon for all families ordering lunch. Please see attached.
Tuition Payments:
November payments are coming due; if you still have issues with Smart Tuition or payments, please contact the school office.
SLS Sports Group
Lady Lions volleyball teams will be collecting food donations for the St. Leo's Food Pantry. See the attached flyer.