Upcoming EventsThursday, December 14 (Wear Festive Holiday Colors). See details below.
12/11 Santa's Shop Opens
12/13 Christmas Concert 7:00 PM - Dismissal after the concert will be like After School- Parents wil be asked to pick up the children in the back lot. No Early Departures, PLEASE.
12/14 Student Reward for Clothing Donations. Dress Down Day12/16 Lunch with Santa 12:00 PM to 3:00 PMRegistration Deadline: Wednesday, 12:13.
12/21 Early Dismissal 12:15 PM NO AFTERCARE
(This is a change to the current calendar)
Christmas Recess Begins
Early Arrivals from 7:30 - 7:45. Parents must sign in their children and are encouraged to offer a donation (i.e.$5.00/day) for the extended courtesy.As part of our partnership with the Knights of Columbus and St. Leo's Social Concerns, we request a donation of new Hats, Gloves, Socks, or other new winter apparel. All Donations will be given to the less fortunate Support our 8th Grade Class - Attached, please find the flyer for the 8th grade Gift Card raffle! Gift Card Raffle Form
Google Classroom/Workspace: All parents should have access to their child's Google Classroom as well as PowerSchool (K-8) regularly. If you do not, please talk to your child and/or your child's teachers.
Lunch with Santa - December 16th - please see the attached flyer. Reserve your spot early. Tickets will sell out! Ticket orders will not be accepted after Wednedesday, December 13th.
Gym Volleyball Net Fundraiser - SLS currently does not have an indoor/outdoor volleyball net at our disposal. We currently borrow one from the Sports Group. Still, Mr. Luketich, our current gym teacher in lieu of an Amazon wish list, is asking for donations towards purchasing a high-quality volleyball net that can be used indoors or outdoors for gym, enrichment, and events.
Spirit Wear - Please see the new easier order form attached https://forms.gle/KEvZs7amDGuBmpk7